Nuestra Cocina Saludable: Recipes from Our Community Kitchen
Did you know what we eat can help us fight cancer?
Scientists find new proof of this every day.
This cookbook, Nuestra Cocina Saludable: Recipes from Our Community Kitchen from the Institute for Health Promotion Research at UT Health San Antonio, can serve as a guide on how to eat to help protect yourself and your family from cancer.
Inside are 46 recipes for healthy, delicious foods straight from real Latina kitchens.
The cookbook started when Latinas from local communities shared with us their mouth-watering recipes, often noting to be sure to sprinkle in “just a dash of this” or a “handful of that.”
With help from these women, dietician Rosie Gonzalez added actual measurements. Gonzalez also suggested ways to improve the recipes and make them healthier. The changes created recipes that were lower in fat and/or richer in fiber and vitamins.
Some foods may look a little different or taste slightly different from traditional Mexican-American cuisine, but they are still delicious.
How do we know?
We spent many hours preparing and taste-testing all recipes to make sure they reach both the highest level of flavor and cancer-fighting ability possible.
Cite this cookbook: Institute for Health Promotion Research (2014). “Nuestra Cocina Saludable: Recipes from Our Community Kitchen.” Ed. Dr. Amelie G. Ramirez, San Antonio, TX.